Sanctioned projects
1. Dr. Amlan k Barua
Project Title: Received CRG research grant of INR
Funding Source: SERB-SRG
Value: TBA
2. Dr. Sagnik Sen
Project Title: Oriented chromatic and clique number of planar graphs, (Role : PI).
Funding Source: SERB-MATRICS (ongoing) 2022-2025.
Value: 6 lakhs
Project Title: Graph theoretic model of Channel Assignment Problem (CAP) in wireless network, (Role : co-PI).
Funding Source: NBHM, (ongoing) 2022-2025.
Value: 18 lakhs
Project Title: Visit to Dr. Florent Foucaud at LIMOS, University Clermont Auvergne, France.
Funding Source: AAP-DRIF, (ongoing) 2024-2025.
Value: 4 lakhs
Project Title: Sparse graphs: treewidth, planarity, bounded expansion
Funding Source: GIAN
Value: 9.5 lakhs
3. Dr. Shreedevi Masuti
Project Title: On the ubiquity of Hilbert functions , (Role: PI).
Funding Source: MOE-SPARC (ongoing), 2023-2025.
Value: 80.45 lakhs
Project Title: The algebra and geometry of Hilbert functions.
Funding Source: SERB-CRG(ongoing), 2023-2026.
Value: 28.4 lakhs
Project Title: The Hilbert functions of K-algebras and its applications .
Funding Source: SERB-MTR (ongoing), 2023-2026.
Value: 28.4 lakhs
4. Dr. Veekesh Kumar
Project Title: Fractional parts powers of real algebraic numbers and related problems, (Role :PI).
Funding Source: NBHM, (ongoing) 2023-2026.
Value: 15.509 lakhs
5. Dr. Shraddha Srivastava
Project Title: Problems in combinatorial representation theory.
Funding Source: DST-INSPIRE faculty fellowship, (ongoing) 2022-27
Value: 35 lakhs
Completed projects
1. Dr. Amlan k Barua
Project Title: Binding Kinetics of Hydro-dynamically interacting Brownian Particles in Linear Viscoelastic Medium.
Funding Source: SERB-SRG , 2019-2021.
Value: 12.07 lakhs
2. Dr. Sagnik Sen
Project Title: Graph homomorphisms and its extensions
Funding Source: SERB - SRG , 2020-22.
Value: 14.13 lakhs
Project Title: Applications of graph homomorphisms
Funding Source: IFCAM , 2018-21.
Value: 170 lakhs
Project Title: Visit to Dr. Florent Foucaud at LIMOS, University Clermont Auvergne, France.
Funding Source: AAP-DRIF, (ongoing) 2023-2024.
Value: 4 lakhs
3. Dr. Shreedevi Masuti
Project Title: Hilbert Functions of Level Algebras and Itoh’s Conjecture
Funding Source: DST – INSPIRE , 2017-22.
Value: 35 lakhs
4. Dr. Dhriti Ranjan Dolai
Project Title: Spectral Statistics for Anderson Model with Decaying Randomness and Singular Potentials.
Funding Source: DST – INSPIRE , 2017-22.
Value: 35 lakhs